Get Involved: CTAA Committees
Get involved in our community, make a difference, and connect with industry peers.
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Education Committee
Meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 am
Dana St. Pierre, Konover Residential - Chair
Events Committee
Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am
Krystal Garcia, Paredim Communities - Co-Chair
Krystel Laramee, Paredim Communities - Co-Chair
Government Relations Committee
Meets every Wednesday at 11am during Session. Meets every other Wednesday outside of session.
John Bailey, CTAA Senior Lobbyist | 860.722.9922 |
Lauren Tagliatela, Canal Crossing - Co-Chair
Kelly Kilham (DeMatteo), Konover - Co-Chair
Trade Show Committee
Meets the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am
Andrew Harrison, CoStar – Chair
Membership Committee
Meets the second Thursday of each month at 3:00 pm
Amanda Dunmore, Sherwin Williams– Co-Chair